
bamboo scaffolding

銅鑼灣景隆街 Cannon Street, Causeway Bay 20120924
4C minibus in front and Hysan Place 希慎廣場 at the back




This is Kiyoko's blog, with watercolor paintings of architecture and townscape (and sometimes food).

It's already my sixth year in Hong Kong but I still know little about this mega-city. Hope I can see and draw more of the historic charm of the Fragrant Habour.

Please do not copy or use my drawings for commercial use. If you'd like to see the original and buy the paintings, please contact ArtBeatus Hong Kong - Vancouver.

全ての絵はⒸKiyoko Yamaguchiです。

20110621 Former Central Police Station Compound 前中區警署建築群, Central, Hong Kong, built 1864-1925 (now owned by Ms N. Miyazaki)

Kiyoko Yamaguchi-Profile
1976 Born in Shiga, Japan
1997 BA (Architecture), University of California at Berkeley
2005 PhD (Southeast Asian Studies), Kyoto University
2006-2014 Lecturer, History Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

山口潔子 略歴
1976年 滋賀県大津市生まれ
1997年 カリフォルニア州立大学バークレー校 建築学科卒
2005年 京都大学 博士(東南アジア研究)
2006年-2014年 香港中文大学歴史学科 講師